No matter whether within the city area, the canton or abroad – the specialists at Limmat-Zürich Umzug GmbH are available to help you with all questions and work relating to your private or Business relocation to the page.

We offer you a extensive offering that covers all areas related to reining. Depending on your needs, you can choose our complete offer, in which we handle all the work that arises around a move incur, take care of it for you. This ranges from packing and transport to cleaning the premises through to storage and disposal of items that are no longer needed. Or you can just choose individual work steps from our range and do other work yourself.

But no matter what you decide, with Limmat-Zürich Umzug GmbH you will always be well looked after and can completely rely on us.
You can request a non-binding offer at any time via our website. Our consultant will contact you immediately and we will clarify everything else. This means you are protected from unforeseen cost traps and get the service that suits you.

Our offer includes the “classic” transport areas such as the transport of goods from private households or businesses .

Our professional employees are trained in handling all kinds of objects. Be it sensitive glasses, lamps or antiques or bulky or heavy goods such as Pianos or safes, we transport everything reliably and safely. We have special equipment available for this purpose, such as a furniture lift. This makes it easier, for example, to move into the sometimes narrow houses in Winterthur’s old town, which often do not have an elevator in the building. Here we transport your valuable goods with the furniture lift outside down and then back up again, so that the stairwell too is protected from damage. This not only saves trouble and stress, but also costs that would otherwise be incurred for possible repair work.

In addition to these typical tasks, we at Limmat-Zürich Umzug GmbH are also happy to take on various other tasks for you. This means we can arrange for our nimble employees to pack and unpack your household goods and (dis)assemble your furniture and also connect electrical devices and lamps. This means you can live in your new premises from day one after the move as if there had never been a move.

In order to relieve you of unwanted work, we also take care of the final cleaning of your old apartment. We guarantee you a smooth final acceptance, because our specialists know what is important and will find any hidden source of dirt and remove it quickly and thoroughly. We also take care of smaller repairs such as filling drill holes.